Staying Productive As A Student In Quarantine , Keeping fit

Productivity is something that creates intellectualism and makes you more intelligent. Now I am sure even though we don't have anything to do yet we still feel slothful all day long because there isn't anything important to do or at least that is what were indolent mind thinks. This has led us to believe that we may come out dumb when this awful situation ends. People have fear of not being able to write or even read! Well worry not Folks , because here are couple of things that by doing them your horrific fear might vanish away. 1 : Writing Writing, really.. ! I know you would be thinking this and it does sound a little cheesy but hey you don't have anything to do remember. Writing a journal or even diary would help you to get to know yourself better and it is a great time pass. This would also develop your skills for later on when you'r really having a trouble to get pass your literature classes. 2 : Meditation If you don't want to break great amount of sweat ...